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About Us

Suzie Bowers, Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, Soul-Discovery Coach, Author, Speaker and Entrepreneur...

People often ask, "How did you get started on this path?" It's a difficult thing to answer, because I always felt "different." I was forced to hide some of my weirdness in order to have friends and feel like I fit in. What I've found is that many of you feel the same way and what we've discovered is that many of us came here to the Earth plane due to the current, challenging situation on Earth. 


"Light Workers" is what we are and we have a purpose and a destiny to help heal the energies here in many different ways.


Below I describe my experience and how it lead me to create Dragonfly Circle over 10 years ago.


As surely as if I had planned it, my life’s work unfolded to me as both a deep, dark, uncertain path and an awakening in to the light. When I recount the experiences which have lead me to this moment, and I look at the larger picture, to my surprise and delight it appears that every moment has been divinely guided and has unfolded exactly as it was supposed to, even at times when I felt abandoned and desperate.


As a hypnotherapist and spiritual counselor and teacher, I have discovered that others have also found this to be true. Many have come to work with me to answer many questions, such as: “is this all there is?” “why do I feel so unhappy?” “what is the secret to happiness?” “why am I here?”


What I have discovered is that this is a very special time on our planet. Waves of light energy are coming to the earth plane at this time in our history, which is affecting everyone greatly but particularly those who made a decision to come here to assist this great transformation. We are headed in to a time of great love, great peace, the evolution of our species to a higher level than ever before. This is an “awakening.” Many are asking these questions. You are not alone. The path to true awakening is often a path of light disguised as a journey full of sadness and challenge. You are a courageous soul, beyond your wildest dreams and it is no accident that you are here reading this right now, even if you don’t believe so. You will come to know!


My awakening began slowly. As a young child I knew I was, well, different. Although I’ve always been pretty mainstream and part of the “popular” social group, I never really felt a part of the things that were important to other people. My interest has always been in philosophy, the spiritual, the metaphysical. Whenever I brought up my interest in spirituality or the mysteries other kids would think I was weird and tell me it was devil worship. I had no idea what that meant, but I did make an effort to keep my ideas to myself, because it didn’t sound good. I would find out later that many adults would have the same attitude. I couldn’t figure out what they were so afraid of.


It didn’t really matter finally, because “spirit” would come back knocking on my door even harder than before, until finally, I had to listen.


I went to all the churches and synagogues with all my different friends, trying to figure it all out. I never really found what I was looking for there. Fortunately, unlike many of my clients, my parents allowed me to explore and never forced me in to a specific “religion.”


As a young child, I knew I had been here before. I had recollections of times gone by, of a feeling of the past, the smell of leather, horses, the feel of flowing materials on my skin, of candlelight. The cars and black asphalt of today seemed all wrong to me and I longed for the smell of fresh air and quiet. A hollow sadness was always present, deep inside me. As I grew, I became fascinated in the power of the mind, ESP, the tarot, which I discovered tapped in to the deepest levels of the subconscious to extract messages of wisdom. I loved to hear people’s ghost stories and researched and wrote many school papers on the witch trials and persecutions in Europe and America.


On a more physical level, many nights I’ve awakened to my entire body vibrating and I’ve often noticed the random feelings of a touch on my shoulder or the sensation of someone stroking my hair or whispering in my ear only to look and find that no one is there. Sometimes I would see figures in my bedroom. I’ve always been able to see crackling white and blue lights and sometimes a green glow would be all around me, filling up the air in my room. I discovered the energy in the air, my body and all around me. Sometimes it would be loud and crackly and other times soft like a flowy dance. I could see it in the day and in the dark of my room at night.


Many times I would avoid certain places or people because for no apparent reason I would feel sick to my stomach or achingly sad. I began to avoid large crowds or people and situations that were angry or volatile. I enjoyed all day walks in the Saratoga hills where I lived, above the traffic, away from the TV and noise of modern life.


I also had an amazing affinity with animals. It didn’t seem to matter what kind. Dogs, cats, birds, horses, they loved me and would come up to me or follow me or literally, jump in my lap, often to the great surprise of their owners. Animals spoke to me. I seemed to have a channel of communication with them. I could feel their pain and it saddened me beyond words.


Well, needless to say, it’s been an interesting journey and like most of you I ignored most of these experiences trading them in for rational thinking and acceptance. I didn’t want to be “weird.” So I carried on with my life doing the mainstream things, cheerleading, college, work, marriage and children. At one point, as I neared my 30th birthday, I knew something wasn’t quite right. I hadn’t been really happy, almost ever. The signs were there. I ignored them until one day I couldn’t ignore them any more. This is the story of Dragonfly, Journey Into Light.


This is my story, my awakening to my true, divine purpose. There was much fear on this journey but it didn’t matter because it unfolded any way. My wish for you is that as you experience my journey you will discover that you are here for divine work as well. Your journey is uniquely yours and as you awaken to your true light, understand who you are and let that light shine for all to see, you will experience joy, health and abundance beyond your wildest dreams. Set aside those beliefs that have kept you stuck in mediocrity. They are of no value here. Enjoy!


Chapter 1 – Dragonfly Journey Into Light – Hidden Falls – September 1999


I struggled with the waves of nausea I was experiencing as we climbed the hills toward the Fall Equinox Celebration at Hidden Falls in my Chevrolet Beretta. It was obvious that I was having difficulty integrating back in to my spiritual life from the everyday, patriarchal world of sales, advertising, money, rejection and quotas.


I took the job with the yellow page company out of necessity since Stuart herniated a disc in his lower back. After all, I am the most trained sales person in the world. Since starting on my spiritual path and before that even, I never really seemed to fit in. Although I could be very good at it, the rejection, corporate power plays and the competitive negativity of others felt overwhelming to my hypersensitive body and emotions. It always had been. Here I was again. “Why?,” I asked God. “Why am I here again?”


I would discover later that I still hadn’t learned the lesson that “Great Spirit” was trying to teach. I still wasn’t seriously on my path.


Beth, sitting next to me, listened attentively as I struggled with the dichotomy of my life. Beth has been my friend and teacher for the past 4 years, since I brought my flier for my new business as a hypnotherapist into the little metaphysical shop where she worked partime. Beth, around 45 always held a gentle, wise demeanor. Her sparkling green eyes, always so deep and friendly looked right through me with love and patient understanding. Since I met her then, she had opened up a whole new world to me, the world of power, the world of the spiritual warrior, dreams and magic, the Shaman world, the real world. It is where I’ve finally found my place. I have found my home, a right feeling for the first time in my life. But I still felt like I was straddling a fence, with one leg in the mud and one in the joy.


Wrestling with the wave of anxiety and nausea, we slowly crept through the mountains toward the Falls. I couldn’t catch my breath. I called the light to myself and worked to balance my system while watching the road. I had no idea what was ahead of us and I couldn’t believe how sick and dizzy and panicked I felt. This feeling wasn’t completely foreign to me as I have learned that I am empathic, sensitive to subtle energies. Negative energies always affect me in my body, physically manifesting as sickness or pain. This is not uncommon for “light workers” especially light workers who haven’t learned to stand in their power and speak their truth.


We were on our way to Hidden Falls in Oakhurst, California, on the fringe of Yosemite National Park. I believe to be one of the most spiritual and beautiful places on Earth. This was my second journey to the Falls to met with a trusted friend and very loved spiritual teacher, Martina Dobesh, author of “Call from the Heart.” She is always such a joyous and wise Master on Earth. Martina always seemed to speak to my heart. Beth said that she felt the same way and also enjoyed Martina immensely. In fact, they had become good friends. I was looking forward to seeing her. The day to day world was once again taking a devastating toll on me and my health and I was anxious to get Martina’s input on the whole thing.


Martina, who lived “by the spirit”, and at times quite poorly, has a great way of putting things into the appropriate perspective. I am still struggling with the trust issues involved in living in complete trust. Martina was truly amazing to me. She allowed the universe to provide for her in all ways. Martina’s trust in the creator and the universal flow absolutely gives me a clear mirror of how untrusting I am and much faith I put in material possessions. I have a lot of growing to do and continue to have major control and enabling issues.


Beth and I continued creeping up the winding roads. The sun would sink behind the hills and pop back out again as we continued on. This was dusk – according to the Native Americans, the moment of time when the doorway between the worlds opens and we can steal a glimpse into other dimensions and the real world of spirit. That truth was escaping me now as I whined and complained about finding myself back in the corporate world. I continued to chatter on and on about mundane things. I so appreciated Beth for listening in that special way she does without judgment. I can hear her soft fairy voice in my head after I have rambled on about how unfair the world is or how negative people are, or how someone had hurt my feelings and were unworthy of my loyalty, love and friendship.


“But Suz, that’s who you really are. Why do you let yourself fall back into the material world, you are a princess?” Beth would softly say. “Everytime you compete in this patriarchal struggle, you begin to force this striving mentality and you sink back into fear and out of trust. This is not the way any longer, it is not the way for you. You must believe in yourself and trust the universe to show you the way.”


I would say, yes you’re right of course, yes but… yes but!


She would gently laugh at my regression away from the world of spiritual trust, abundance and love.


We continued around a wind in the road as I continued to cling to my misery with all my fear in tact. I was still fighting the waves of nausea and dizziness. As we came around the bend, right before us on the right was a giant dead tree that was lit up half way by the last rays of the Sun’s light. The tree was filled with turkey vultures. They were on every branch, 20 of them, at least, and 10 or so circling around in the air with their giant black and silvery wings, glistening in the dark gold of the Sun’s last rays.


I stopped talking then, unbelieving what I was seeing with my own eyes. “Oh my God, did you see that?” Beth said, “Yes. I’ve never seen so many in one place like that, on a tree and not flying.”


Instantly, dismissing the miracle I had just witnessed, I again began to drone on about my heavy, earthly life, back home in the valley, my negative dissertation on how unfair the world was.


The mountain’s hues were purple, green and gold. The air was both warm and cool at the same time. I had my window open to help with the nausea and anxiety I was feeling. As I as talking, a dragonfly cruised by my window. Then another, and another. Many began to zoom past my window. I wasn’t really paying attention until I began to notice that Beth was tilting her pretty head and looking all up and down and around outside of us.


I stopped speaking and felt my mouth drop down and my breath catch in my throat. I as in complete disbelief and awe as hundreds of thousands, no, millions of dragonflies were all around us. As high in the sky as I could see, as far around us, in front, behind. I was driving about 55 miles per hour and this went on for miles. We didn’t see another car on the road. It was completely surreal as if I was in a dream.


The dragonflies would float right up to the windshield and would fly right by my open window. I could not believe my eyes and the colors. So many colors. Each was unique and so beautiful, iridescent. Their wings glistening, like sparkles of glowing light, some in the shadows and some flitting in the setting sun’s golden light. It was as if a portal from another world just opened up and poured millions of dragonflies in just for Beth and I. This was a message, a reminder that reality appears to be is just an illusion.


“What’s happening?” I asked and a message instantly came to me seemingly from nowhere and everywhere at once. Somehow I continued to drive, not really feeling present in my body any longer. Waves of love and comfort flowed through my body.


“It is time to leave the material world behind, your highness. It is not real, it is all an illusion. This is real, the world of spirit, of truth, of light of peace and love. Open your eyes to all the beauty and abundance all around you, open your eyes and see your gifts. Open your heart and feel God’s love for you. The nature spirits and fairies welcome you to this sacred gathering.


You have asked for guidance about the current world of competition, striving and money concerns. This is all behind you. Your destiny is to joyfully trust spirit, to become a guide, a teacher for others. You are a divine, creative spark of the infinite wisdom. You came here to heal the people and the animals, the mineral kingdom of this planet, as only you can do, to write, to share your message, the message of truth and light with others.


On this journey you will heal yourself. As you assist others in awakening to their true purpose, you “light workers” will collectively heal your planet. The nausea, dizziness and anxiety you are experiencing is due to your resistance to following your spiritual path and true destiny, the density of earthly matters attempting to integrate with your light body. You’ve been preparing for this all your life and before that, although you have been asleep to it. We have been working with you from the other planes of existence. When you wake up and feel your body vibrating, when you hear the whispers in your mind, the soft touch on your shoulder, it is us, your angels, your friends and spirit guides. your soul family who agreed to assist you on this journey.


Your discomfort is due to your body, weighed down by the dense energy, the influx of light waves into your light body causes this discomfort. You must purify your thoughts, your emotions, your body to prepare for more light. It’s time to release your fear and balance your life, trust is your ally. This will soon pass and you will have a better understanding on a conscious level. We are here with you, always. We are delighted that you have come to this gathering at this time. It is right.”


I came back to the awareness that I was driving and Beth smiled at me with that knowingness in her sparkling green eyes. We didn’t speak again until we arrived at Hidden Falls.




I knew that the dragonfly was a symbol of transformation, a message from the dragon, from my dragon, the totem spirit that I received in Joshua Tree at Lynn Andrews retreat. (author of Medicine Woman and Flight of the Seventh Moon.)


The dragonfly is a symbol of metamorphosis. It is a time to change, to move through.


In Ted Andrews book, “Animal Speak,” it says “Dragonfly, The Power of Light.” According to Ted, “Dragonflies inhabit two realms – water and air. This represents, in an individual, emotional and mental qualities. If they have shown up look for change to occur. Are you resisting change when you shouldn’t? Dragonflies remind us that we are light and can reflect the light in powerful ways if we choose to do so. “Let there be Light” is the divine prompting to use the creative imagination as a force within your life. This is part of what dragonflies teach us.”


“Life is never quite the way it appears, but is always filled with light and color. Dragonfly can help you to see through your illusions and thus allow your own light to shine forth. Dragonfly brings the brightness of transformation and the wonder of colorful new vision.”


This was interesting to me because I love the water but as a Libra I am also an air sign, as is Beth, an Aquarian. But both of us have powerful ties to the water world as we both love and are aligned with dolphins.


Beth and I traveled the rest of the way to Hidden Falls in complete silence, in reverence and awed by what we had just experienced together. As soon as we arrived at the meeting place I jumped out of the car to look at the grill on the front. Amazingly, not one single dragonfly had crashed into my car – there were none on the front of my grill, hood or windshield. Not a single one flew in to the car through my open window. A miracle.


Beth looked into my eyes and bowed her head. We gave thanks to the Great Spirit for the wonderful and awesome gift we had just been given. I knew we had just walked (or driven) between the worlds, that we were in for something very special with this kind of welcome and that our lives would never, ever be the same again.






Journey Into Light
by Suzie Bowers, CHt


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